How to Create a Review Blog/Channel That Will Pay You Dividends into Your Future!

Digital Expert
7 min readApr 21, 2021

The Truth: You’re making this harder than it has to be. It’s a lot easier than you think!

Overview of the Steps:

Step 1. Create a blog, create a YouTube channel, and create an Instagram all with the same niche in mind.

Step 2. Create a blog post on a product and review it and create a YouTube video with the same exact review in video form. Then make an Instagram Post about your product review.

Step 3. Place Affiliate links in your Blog post. Then, Embed your YouTube video in your blog post. Finally Place your blog in your Instagram bio.

Step 4. Link all your platforms together to funnel traffic throughout and increase the possibility of earning a sale.

It’s really that easy! Just follow those four steps and then use the generating leads section of my course to start driving traffic to your site. The more high-quality content you produce the more you increase your earning potential.

I like to think of this business model as a Passive Income BM. While you have to put work in upfront, those affiliate links will essentially be your employees for the rest of your life! You’re the business owner. They’re the employees just sitting there every day earning you money.

Pretty cool, right?!

One of the biggest misconceptions I see over and over again with new people looking to generate online Passive Income is that they think they need to spend months perfecting some massive website before they can really launch it and begin to make money, and that’s just simply not true. You can create your website and content in a few days (a few hours if you’re good) and start driving traffic to it immediately to make money.

Product Reviews!

What do most people do nowadays when they’re considering whether or not to make a purchase. They search for a product review on that product. You’re not only capitalizing on that traffic, but you’re also linking the product and capitalizing on that review! That person already wanted to buy the product. They just wanted a site to convince them that they were right and give them the reassurance of their decision to purchase. It’s a win win. They get the product they wanted. You get the commission!

Take the time to perfect one of these business models and then you can really scale it up. Imagine if you “employed” 10 of these sites/channels/instagrams all sitting there day in and day out earning you money. Now imagine if you had 50….100?!

A large task for a beginner, no doubt. But not completely unobtainable. Work on perfecting this business model and then you can replicate the process over and over again.

Digital Products vs Physical Products

Digital Products are great thing to review because the commission on a digital product is usually higher. That being said, the competition and amount of digital product review sites is also a lot higher.

Don’t worry though! While everyone is busy fighting over pieces of the same digital pie, we’re going to focus on reviewing Physical products. An equally large pie, with much much less competition. The commissions are often slightly lower for sure, but with lower commissions comes a lot less competition. This means more traffic, more leads, and more money for you!

Making Review Blogs/Content on Physical Products

  • One of the easiest and least competitive methods currently to make money online
  • Once your blog posts/videos/content is up online, it will sit there and potentially earn money for you forever!!!
  • Some of the best networks to sell physical products are listed here:

(The best being Amazon Amazon has Millions of products on its site that already have great pictures you can use on your blog and in your videos. It also has great copy (bullet points and description) that is optimized to convert customers. You can utilize all this information to your advantage and literally just reword it on your blog!)

  • People have much less suspicion about buying a physical product than they do buying a digital one

Amazon Associates

If you’re planning on using Amazon Associates (I’ll link it for you below), there are some phenomenal benefits to be aware of.

You don’t have to make all the sales on your blog/videos. You can literally send traffic to Amazon and let Amazon do what it does best…Sell! Amazon has spent hundreds of millions on optimizing its website to make sales. Use that to your advantage. Literally send traffic to Amazon and collect commissions.

  • Once someone goes to Amazon through your affiliate links, they can either make a purchase or not.
  • If they make a purchase, you get paid.
  • If they don’t make a purchase, you still get the “cookie” lifespan (which is 24 Hrs) for them to make a purchase and then you get paid.
  • Most of the time…you get paid!
  • People often get carried away on Amazon and can buy way more than they originally bargained for when they went to the site. Guess what…? You get paid!! That’s right you get the commission on all of those sales even if those products aren’t what you’re promoting because they went to Amazon from your link
  • Simply send traffic to Amazon and then… get paid!

Still to this day, I barely post on any of my Amazon affiliate blog sites and they still sit there and earn me money. This business model is one of the ultimate streams of Passive Income. Pick products that aren’t just trends/fads so that you can collect long term profits whenever someone searches for a product and lands on your site.

To Make Higher Commissions:

Before Starting you should definitely check Amazon Associate Commission Income Statement. (I’ve link it for you below)

  1. Promote about 5–10% high ticket items (High price = High commission)
  2. But almost 90–95% of the items you promote should be low ticket items (low price = low commission)
  3. This will drive more traffic to your site and increase conversions and also increase the chance someone lands on your site and makes a purchase of a high ticket item.
  4. This will also increase your relevancy in Google’s eyes.
  5. More Google Relevancy = More traffic = More Leads = More Commissions for you.
  6. Look for obscure and passion driven niches for products to promote. It will greatly increase your opportunity to land traffic from search results and greatly increase your conversion % and commissions for people reading your reviews.

Finally, make sure a product is being searched for before you post a product review and potentially waste your time.

  • Create a Google Ads Account (don’t worry this is Free).
  • Under Tools > Use the Keyword Planner to search for relevant keywords that relate to the product you want to review.
  • Make sure there is a lower competition and higher traffic volume on those keywords.
  • Use those keywords in your title and throughout your review whenever possible. This will increase your blog in search results for those keywords over time!

You can replicate this process over and over again and also make YouTube videos that are linked back and forth with your blog.

Remember: Once you’ve identified your product and you are ready to write a review on it.

Write your review speaking to the potential readers emotions!!! Answer the questions of why their life would be easier or why they would have to spend less money in the future if they purchased this product now. People buy based off of emotion and use logic and reason to justify those purchases after the fact. So use this to your advantage and try to convince their emotions not their logic. Answering those questions will greatly increase your potential to make commissions and that is it.

I really hope you enjoyed this Free Product Review Manual!

Have a great day guys! :)



Digital Expert

I'm a Professional ASO & Digital Marketing Expert with 3+ years of Experience.